Alumni Advice: Meghan Sharkus

Are you working hard on your Endevvr application? Want to put your absolute best foot forward? You have come to the right place! We are asking our alumni for their best Endevvr application advice in our first-ever "Advice Series".

In this second episode, we hear from Meghan Sharkus from the class of 2015. Meghan has specific advice for the video portion of the application. Watch or read below to hear what she has to say!

The transcript of Meghan's video is below.

"Hi! It's Meghan from Endevvr Class of 2015. My best advice for the video application is to remember that your accolades and achievements can be shown in the written portion of your application, so remember that the video should be more about your personality and should be fun and creative - something that sets you apart from everyone else. If you don't know where to start, ask your teachers, teammates, friends and family what makes you unique and fun."

To connect with Meghan, check out our post on Facebook.

Endevvr Alumni