Alumni Advice: Shannon Cassady

We are asking our alumni for their best Endevvr application advice in our "Advice Series".

In this fifth episode, we hear from Shannon Cassady, a current student at MIT and an Endevvr alumna from the class of 2016. Shannon encourages us to take a risk. Watch or read below to hear what she has to say!

The transcript of Shannon's video is below.

"Hi! I'm Shannon from Endevvr Class of 2016 and I'm so excited that you're applying this year. My one piece of advice for you is to take a risk! Put yourself out there. Entrepreneurship is all about doing things you're scared about, and there are going to be a lot of times when the scary things end up to be worth it. So, put yourself out there, take a risk, and good luck with your application!"

To connect with Shannon directly, check out our post on Facebook.

Endevvr Alumni